The Role of the Investor- a Heavybit Industries Podcast

I was invited by Peter Chapman of Heavybit Industries to be featured in a Podcast about what is it like to live the investor life. It was a great experience for me since it was like a walk down the memory lane on how it all started. The key points of this discussion include when to stay out of the way as an investor, what it means to be client-oriented and why having expertise makes a big difference when choosing your next move.

It is a great podcast about my evolution as an investor, how we started Storm Ventures, what thesis rules the politics within Storm, who is responsible for the investments made within the team, the rounds Storm Ventures invests in and a lot of other insight into my life as an investor and Managing Partner of Storm Ventures.

In venture, despite how sometimes it’s portrayed in the media, we really don’t control anything. I mean, the only thing I really control is that first check I get to write.

If you would like to hear/read more about why do I do what I do click here.

Venture Capital
Storm Ventures