Storm Security Summit

The cybersecurity landscape continues to evolve rapidly with each year seemingly worse than the last. Attacks are getting more sophisticated and larger in scope. At the same time, investment in security startups and products is at record levels. To bridge this gap and continuously thwart attackers, security professionals must find new information sources, automate processes, work with the government, adopt new technologies and share data.

Storm Ventures brought together leading Security, Government, and Legal experts to lead collaborative sessions on how to build an effective and adaptive defense. Sean Kanuck (IISS), Caleb Sima (Former Capital One) and Pete McGoff (Box) discussed how the public and private sectors can work together and what the legal implications are for startups as they grapple with security threats. Justin Somaini (SAP), Sherry Ryan (Juniper), and Jessica Denecour (Former Varian Medical Systems) highlighted what policies and practices are most effective in building a security conscious culture in an organization. We’ll expand on these discussions in future posts.

We truly appreciate the time our guest speakers took to speak to and inspire the Storm community. Also, a special thanks to our entrepreneurs and attendees from top Silicon Valley companies for the continued support and feedback.

Storm Ventures