My college adopted Modo to engage with students

I used to think of myself as a digital native. After-all, I’m a Millennial, I’ve got smartphones, smart watches, wireless everything, and I consume technology like I breathe air. Technology is at the center of my life — it’s even my career. But I’m not a digital native.

I’m a “digital adopter.” It’s a distinction that I would have called asinine until the day my little nephew — now 9 years old — grabbed my iPhone, took my finger to unlock the phone and then proceeded to visit the app store to download his favorite game — again using my finger to complete the purchase. I was shocked. That, folks, is a digital native and it’s the norm in Generation Z.

Next Fall Generation Z starts college. And this digital native generation expects a digital experience. That’s why Modo works with campus administrators to make it easy to create and deploy custom mobile applications — thereby engaging with Generation Z where they want to be engaged. These apps become much more than campus maps and directories, they become the center of the student experience. A hub of activity that becomes as diverse as the campus itself.

That’s why I was excited to read that Stanford, my alma mater, was bringing back a mobile experience with “Stanford Mobile.”

Revamped Stanford Mobile app back after two-year hiatus

The full list can be found here:

Storm Ventures is an investor in Modo Labs and Tae Hea Nahm, a Managing Director at Storm Ventures currently sits on their Board of Directors.

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Storm Ventures