Best kept pipeline conversion secret — Why we invested in Sendoso

How many emails do you receive a day? If you’re an operator, it’s probably 50 to 100. Now how many gift packages with a handwritten note do you receive in a month? About 1 to 2? Which do you think is going to be more memorable?

Clearly the package. Here’s the trouble: if you’re on the other side of this question, the sender, what’s easier? Sending emails to every client you know, or a personalized package? Clearly the email.

Even if you do have a room full of interns looking for boxes, packing swag, and licking stamps, how well can they track every package, determine the ROI on the gifts you’ve created, and make sure the right connections are made? That’s why the sending platform Sendoso is the answer.

Sendoso is a magic layer between Salesforce and a fulfillment center, helping you delight your prospect and customers one at a time. Sendoso does what email can’t: make you and your product stand out. Sendoso even stores your personalized swag and gifts, so you don’t have to worry about any storage, shipping, or packaging. It’s all taken care of.

This is why, at Storm Ventures, we decided to invest in Sendoso a year ago, and we are thrilled about the $10M round announced today with Craft Ventures and Signia joining us.

The “Meeting maker”

We see so many portfolio companies struggling with getting prospects to attend demos, webinars or just to sit in a scheduled meeting. Converting the top of the funnel is always challenging. Several Sendoso’s customers we talked to like to call Sendoso “the meeting maker”. Some even mentioned an increase of over ten times of leads actually showing up to a meeting after using the platform. After all, it makes sense. Who are you more likely to schedule a meeting with, the person that sent a boilerplate email that looks like a hundred others, or the person who just sent you a Starbucks gift card?

Customer Success love it too

Converting new prospects into customers is one thing, keeping customers feeling specials is another. Churn is customer success teams biggest nightmare, and besides calling or emailing customers, there is not much they can do without spending an insane amount of time trying to send a customized gift. Sendoso is now changing the game. You would be surprised how much a box of cupcakes can impact your renewal rates if sent at the right time to the right champion. And you never have to leave your desk or touch a USPS box.

Sendoso has been moving at the speed of light since we first invested a year ago. We know it has to do with a phenomenal leadership team that we are psyched to collaborate with for the exciting journey ahead.

Welcome Sendoso!

Customer Success
Storm Ventures
Venture Capital