Human vs Technology: Investing in LogicHub to help security analysts

Human vs Technology? We are all debating this issue as we learn about artificial intelligence, machine learning, self-driving cars, …

What is the answer in security?

At Storm we have been investing in security technology companies over the last 15 years. Despite all the great technology innovations, security threats are more prevalent and more devastating than ever before. We realized that security defense ultimately depends on a single human being — the security analyst.

Today these security analysts are overwhelmed with the explosion of security attacks and security data generated by current security solutions (such as SIEM, UBA, end points, …). Thus, their employers are consistently missing detection of key threats and breaches. Important pertinent information about these threats tends to get buried deep within the mountains of security event data a security analyst needs to weed through each day. Security analysts are very skilled when given the time to detect breaches. They just cannot scale to handle the volume of data thrown at them. That explains why the average time to detect a breach is 146 days. Imagine, for several months the attackers have free reign inside your network. Clearly this is unacceptable by any measure.

Some estimate that there are over one million open jobs for security analysts. This is not the normal answer to the human vs technology job tradeoff.

As a result, we were very excited when Kumar Saurabh and Monica Jain wanted to found a company to help dramatically the life of security analysts. They understand the security analysts’ pains. Kumar was co-founder of Sumo Logic and an early ArcSight engineering lead. Monica managed ArcSight’s flagship product Enterprise Security Manager (ESM). As a team, they intimately understand the limitations of SIEM solutions, and the need for a more sophisticated approach.

Kumar and Monica cofounded LogicHub to help the security analysts. LogicHub can improve the security analyst’s threat detection productivity by a factor of ten by using its unique Threat Ranking Engine and by capturing, mapping, and automating the investigation process of a skilled security analyst.

Below is a photo of Kumar and Monica working at Storm before moving to their first office.

LogicHub Co-founders at Storm

Together, with Nexus Venture Partners, we are excited to be a founding investor in LogicHub.

Please see Kumar and Monica’s blogs for a fascinating read on their insights and approach.

Venture Capital
Storm Ventures